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Inovation Square Centre

Italy / 2018

competition with SCEG architects and Bodà architects


The former building of the Mario Gros Typography expresses the situation of Turin in the Sixties: the production city. The rational concept of this building is declared in the facade, that clearly states its function. The hall and the offices find their room in volumes overlapped on the main front of the linear building; beside this block is placed the productive nave, where the printing machines were located.

The architectural project aims to highlight the supporting structure of the building - pivotal element of Casalegno’s original project - by integrating it with those elements necessary to a contemporary fruition, trying at the same time to create a flexible system, also economically and technically feasible as well as sustainable.

A project of such complexity required a multidisciplinary approach among architects, urbanists, interior designers, engineers, business consultants, smart building managers and BIM managers – thus developing a method based on the study of current and future scenarios to define a tailored strategy for the project.

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